Date of publication: 27 September 2023
Deadline: 27 October 2023

Final result of the 12th edition.

2023-12-021      IREC           IONET
2023-12-002     CTTC           MD-NAF
2023-12-007     IDIBELL     CONAN
2023-12-016      IBEC           Antimalarial YAT
2023-12-010      IRB              VariantX_Patent
2023-12-017      ICIQ             NICAH
2023-12-005     IISPV           FIRSTGUT2
2023-12-015      IJC               ALL-BePrecise-2
2023-12-018      IJC               HeXOscan
2023-12-013      IDIBGI        J4L
2023-12-020     IBEC            MbBOOST
2023-12-019      IBEC            BrainTAG
2023-12-012      IBEC             NeuroSwitch
2023-12-006     ISGLOBAL  X-Ra FINE


General Information

General terms

Resolució REU/2220/2023

Model agreement


12th Round 2023

12th Round – Specific Terms

12th Round – Application

12th Round – Executive Summary (annex)

12th Round – One pager

Date of publication: 19 December 2022
Deadline: 25 January 2023

Final result of the 11th edition.

Selected projects:

2022-11-015   IBEC ISCHEMBURG – 3
2022-11-014   IBEC 3D-MUSCLE
2022-11-006   IBEC mHealth
2022-11-004   IISPV DiPrAs-CaP
2022-11-013   IRHSCSP EPI_THROMB
2022-11-003   ICIQ BIOSERES
2022-11-009   IISPV ATMOS
2022-11-012   IRHSCSP PROTAIS
2022-11-010   CTTC C-Sensor

General Information

General terms
Resolució REU/1987/2022

Model agreement


11th Round 2022

11th Round – Specific Terms

11th Round – Application

11th Round – Executive Summary (annex)

Date of publication: 28 April 2022
Deadline: 13 May 2022

Final result of the 10th edition.

Selected projects:

2022-10-001 –  IGTP    –   FIBROKIT-2
2022-10-003 – CRG   –   scFlea-Chip
2022-10-004 – IDIBELL   –   DeepRDT
2022-10-005 – CTTC   –   AgentTAC
2022-10-006 – CRG   –   SpinSTL
2022-10-007 – IDIBAPS   –   PH-Care
2022-10-008 – IBEC   –   SNIFFDRONE

General Information

General terms
Resolució REU/1987/2022



10th Round 2022

10th Round – Specific Terms

10th Round – Application

10th Round – Executive Summary (annex)

Date of publication: 22 October 2021
Deadline: 22 November 2021

Final result of the 9th edition.

Selected projects:

2021-09-002 – IJC – EPICART
2021-09-006 – ISGLOBAL – PLP-3
2021-09-006 – IRB – PLP-3

General Information

General terms
Resolució EMC/971/2020


9th Round 2021

9th Round – Specific Terms

9th Round – Application

9th Round – Executive Summary (annex)

Date of publication: 26 April 2021
Deadline: 28 May 2021

Final result of the 8th edition

Selected projects:

2021-08-001 – IDIBELL – NeurAntigenv2
2021-08-002 – ISGLOBAL – MetalA-MDR 05
2021-08-003 – ICIQ – ELECTRA
2021-08-004 – IFAE – ARVIS
2021-08-005 – CTTC – uSDN-03
2021-08-008 – I2CAT – DOWI
2021-08-009 – IJC – ALL-BePrecise
2021-08-011 – IRB – Compound H/pro-H 02
2021-08-012 – IBEC – ONCOBOTS

Date of publication: 4 June 2020
Deadline: 6 July 2020

Final result of the 7th edition
Selected projects:
2020-07-003 – IBEC – HEPATEX
2020-07-015 – VHIR – SMARTY
2020-07-010 – VHIR – BSURE
2020-07-012 – IRB – Compound H/pro-H
2020-07-009 – IRB – OptiPad
2020-07-013 – IREC – POWERCOAT
2020-07-002 – IDIBELL – AtG
2020-07-006 – IFAE – ECOTAGS+

General information

General terms

Resolució EMC/971/2020


7th Round 2020

7th Round-Specific Terms

7th Round – Application

7th Round – Executive Summary (annex)

Date of publication: 7 October 2019
Deadline: 7 November 2019

Final result of the 6th edition
Selected projects:
2019‐06‐008 – IBEC – TERANOBOTS
2019‐06‐011 – CRG – AONs2CureCancer
2019‐06‐005 – VHIR – CollyiruNP
2019‐06‐012 – VHIR – AFIB
2019‐06‐006 – IDIBELL – PRP‐HO
2019‐06‐015 – IDIBAPS – miRFec
2019‐06‐013 – IRTA – AQUATRAFFIC
2019‐06‐002 – ISGLOBAL – MetalA‐MDR
2019‐06‐016 – ICIQ – PHOTO‐RX
2019‐06‐018 – IRB ‐ IMIM Biomarker‐CDx

Date of publication: 13 February 2019
Deadline: 13 March 2019

Final result of the 5th edition

Selected projects:

2019-05-003 – IGTP – Synucleinopathies Diagnostic
2019-05-005 – ISGLOBAL – MetalA-MDR 02
2019-05-009 – VHIR – NANOJANUS
2019-05-008 – IFAE – 3DBonT
2019-05-001 – ICIQ – LEGO-CHEM
2019-05-004 – ICIQ – PHOTO-RX 02


Date of publication: 23 March 2018
Deadline: 3 May 2018

Final result of the 4th edition

Selected projects:
2018-04-003 – CTTC – GLIGHT – A Cloud Optical Access Network for Virtualized GNSS Receivers
2018-04-004 – IGTP – SUTURE-2 – Mechanical atraumatic microvascular suture
2018-04-006 – ICIQ 3D-START Photoiniator compounds for polymerization induced by visible light
2018-04-008 – IDIBELL – Ocular Brachytherapy Application of nanoparticles in ocular brachytherapy (Ocular Brachytherapy)
2018-04-011 – VHIR – GELATIN – A Nanotechnologic Platform for the Targeted Drug and Gene Delivery Against the Advanced Cancer
2018-04-013 – IFAE – VIP – Voxel Imaging Positron emission tomography detector
2018-04-015 – IBEC – ISCHEMSURG 2 – Minimally-invasive microsensors for ischemia detection
2018-04-016 – ISGLOBAL – EVsBioCD – Extracellular vesicles as a tool for the Identification of new biomarkers in Chagas disease.


Date of publication: 18 September 2017
Deadline: 18 October 2017

Final result
of the 3rd edition.

Selected projects:

  • 2017-03-002 – ICIQ – GREENFUEL – CO2 reduction to methanol
  • 2017-03-003 – IDIBELL – GAS-1 – “Nou Tractament contra anticossos neutralitzants en Infeccions Gram Negatives”
  • 2017-03-006 – IDIBELL – CLIFE-1 GEL – Topical analgesic gel for anorectal pain relief (CLIFE-1 GEL)
  • 2017-03-008 – ICIQ – QDDP – Quantum Dots-based Diagnostics Platform
  • 2017-03-009 – IRB Barcelona – 2shRNA – Bifunctional therapeutic shRNAs for drug resistance eradication
  • 2017-03-011 – CTTC – iPole – Inertial-based, increased performance, surveying pole
  • 2017-03-012 – IBEC – NCPC-2 – Novel compounds for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
  • 2017-03-017 – IBEC – ISCHEMSURG – Minimally-invasive microsensors for ischemia detection


Date of publication: 15 February 2017
Deadline: 16 March 2017

Final result
of the 2nd edition.

Selected projects:

  • 2017-02-006 CRAG – PH – PLANT HEALING
  • 2017-02-008 IDIBAPS – CUAT – Combination use of uric acid in stroke treated with rescue mechanical thrombectomy
  • 2017-02-012 IBEC – NCPC – Novel compounds for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
  • 2017-02-009 VHIR – DR therapy – Topical ocular treatment for retinal neurodegeneration
  • 2017-02-002 IDIBAPS – CeNPs4HCC – Ceria nanoparticles for use in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
  • 2017-02-010 IDIBELL – ELLA Stapler – Endo-Luminal Linear Anastomosis – Stapler
  • 2017-02-003 ICN2 – CeNPs4HCC – Ceria nanoparticles for use in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
  • 2017-02-005 IDIBELL – CANINHIB – First Specific Non-Peptide Inhibitors of the Calcineurin-NFATc Signalling Pathway
  • 2017-02-013 VHIR – ThermoFlashot – ThermoShot/FlashShot: a New Technology against Antimicrobial Resistant and Biofilm Infections
  • 2017-02-001 IGTP – Platform-02 – Bioadhesive platform to perform bioactive gastrointestinal Cancer treatment


Date of publication: 10 de November 2016
Deadline: 9 December 2016

Final result
of the 1st edition

Selected projects:

  • 2016-01-001 IDIBELL – GAS – Preparació d’anticossos neutralitzants contra bacteris Gram-negatius.
  • 2016-01-002 ICN2 – HH-LAB – Compact device for in vitro and in vivo hybrid magneto-thermal and photo-thermal therapies.
  • 2016-01-003 CTTC – AVEMEDIA – Advanced multimedia passenger entertainment system for transport vehicles.
  • 2016-01-004 IDIBELL – Ictus isquèmic – Kit per al diagnòstic / pronòstic d’ictus isquèmic en individus amb estenosi carotídia elevada.
  • 2016-01-008 ICN2 – PSM-MOFs – Post-Synthesis Modification of Metal Organic Frameworks.
  • 2016-01-010 VHIR – AB-ADJUVANTS – Antimicrobial adjuvants in the fight of resistant bacteria.
  • 2016-01-011 IRB – βPFO – βPFO: A novel and promising new target against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • 2016-01-012 IDIBAPS – ONCO-SELEC (IDIBAPS) – Oncoselective mechanism for gene or viral therapy.
  • 2016-01-013 IRB – ONCO-SELEC (IRB) – Oncoselective mechanism for gene or viral therapy.
  • 2016-01-014 IREC – Low-EMiSSiOnS – Low-Cost and Efficient Miniaturized Solid-state Silicon-based Oxygen Sensors.




Thirteen round

It is expected that around 14/15 projects will be funded. This funding round will be another start-up round and, therefore, only partner centres may submit proposals. New partners must sign the agreement and contribute their start-up payment prior to December 20th 2024. Projects will not be considered for assessment if this agreement has not been signed or the payment received.

Up to 4 proposals per partner centre may be submitted.

The amount funded will be from 5,000 euros up to a maximum of 10,000 euros. This amount does not include possible co-funding from the centre or other sources.

From this round on, projects with shared IP should be presented as a single project.

Any external expenses are eligible, other than those normally financed by the centre (including staff costs).

The expected return depends on each project. In general terms, it is expected that the funding awarded plus at least 50% will be recovered over an average of three years and a maximum of five years. In addition, once this threshold has been passed, the expected returns will be between 5% and 10% of surplus revenues over a reasonable period of time. Nevertheless, each proposal must set out what is a reasonable return.

To submit proposals the relevant form must be completed and sent, in PDF format, to The proposal must not exceed 10 pages.
Attached documents, if any, must be listed in the proposal. This list should contain all relevant documentation as these documents will be submitted to the assessors together with the proposal. It is recommended that the documentation is limited to only that which is genuinely relevant. It is not necessary to include full CVs for each member of the team. If there are any confidential documents (e.g. confidential agreements with companies interested in exploiting the results), this can be noted in this list to determine if specific conditions apply to the assessors.

– Deadline for submitting proposals: 04/11/2024
– Deadline for signing and making the start-up payment to become a Partner Centre: 04/11/2024
– Deadline for completing assessment of proposals: Around 25/11/2024 (approximately, depending on number of proposals)
– Announcement of results: 28/11/2024
– Deadline for signing individual agreements: Immediately after the announcement of results and before end of December 2024.

Expenses should be executed from 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025

Applications to extend projects or for new stages can be submitted. It must be specified and made clear how the new project differs from that previously funded. Different stages may be funded, remarking the objective elements of progress and identifying the new associated costs. In these cases, I-CERCA will try to ensure that the same assessors are used and they therefore evaluate the benefits of continuing the funding. Expenses incurred and recorded in previous stages may not be brought forward. The expenses relating to each project/stage must be very clearly delimited.

Projects that did not previously receive GÍNJOL funding can be re-submitted if the project managers so wish, bearing in mind the comments received from the assessors. In this case, as far as possible, the same assessors will be used to evaluate possible improvements to the project.

What is GÍNJOL?

GÍNJOL is a Funding programme agreed between I-CERCA and those CERCA centres that enter the partnership. It was set up as additional financing and to close potential gaps in funding for knowledge transfer by CERCA centres.

It is financed from I-CERCA’s initial contribution for 2016 of 60,000 euros, plus the contributions from of the CERCA partner centres, any returns generated, and any other public or private funding that may be procured. The total funds available for 2023 raised to near 900.000€.

The aim of GÍNJOL is to fund the services needed to protect, exploit and market the results of research generated by the research projects submitted by the partner centres.

The projects that receive funding are selected on a competitive basis, using objective criteria, from the proposals submitted, which are assessed and ranked by an Assessment Committee.

Is GÍNJOL funding classified as a grant?

No. It is a form of funding agreed between I-CERCA and the CERCA partner centres that is expected to generate a return and may not therefore be considered to be free funding such as a grant. The projects are selected and ranked on a competitive basis from the proposal submitted.

How does GÍNJOL work?

The CERCA Institute (I-CERCA) is responsible for managing the resources of the GÍNJOL programme. In 2016 made an initial contribution of 60,000 euros. In 2019 the I-CERCA amount invested raised up to 268.000€. The contributions to future funding rounds are yet to be determined.

Partner centres are those CERCA centres that wish to participate. In order to participate, they must contribute a start-up amount, which will be a one-off contribution and will give the partner access to every round of the Patent Fund. Centres wishing to become partner centres must make a one-off contribution which has been set at 15,000 euros for the third funding round. This one-off amount will be higher in later funding rounds.

The activities and financing of the Patent Fund will be supervised by a management committee with representatives from I-CERCA and the partner centres.

The Assessment committee will be composed of between four and seven key people from the world of knowledge transfer in all areas of research.

I-CERCA will be responsible for following up the individual projects funded.

I-CERCA intends that the GÍNJOL Programme will become available to ALL CERCA centres, whether they are partners or not. When each funding round is announced, it will be specified whether or not non-partner centres may submit proposals. If this is the case, the terms applicable to returns will be much stricter and the expected returns will be much higher than for partner centres.

How does the Patent Fund work?

It may be funded any activity and expense related to intellectual and/or industrial property generated from the research activities of CERCA centres. For example, expenses related to drafting patents, PCT, EPO or other agencies’ processing fees, international extension costs, SoA (state-of-the-art) reports and/or FTO (freedom to operate) reports, the acquisition of software to exploit or manage a technology portfolio, marketing activities, litigation expenses (infringement), the purchase of licences, protecting software, other types of industrial and/or intellectual property, drafting and managing trade secrets, any procedure related to knowledge and/or technology transfer, etc.

Partner centres (and non-partner centres, if permitted in the specific funding round) must submit an ad hoc form.

Projects coordinated by a number of centres can be submitted, and only proposal must be submitted by coordinated/main centre, but individual expenses account details (per partner) should be provided. The total amount to be funded may not exceed 10,000 euros.

A non-partner CERCA centre can submit proposals if permitted in the specific funding round.

A centre can submit more than one proposal, if permitted in the specific funding round.

The proposal submitted will be scored by an Assessment Committee which will rank them and decide the cut-off point for those to be funded. If there are sufficient resources all the projects above the cut-off point will be funded. If not, the projects will be funded in accordance with their ranking. Those scoring below the cut-off point will receive no funding.

Each project to be funded requires the signing of a specific agreement between I-CERCA and the applicant, setting out all the terms and required returns.

I-CERCA will be responsible for following up all the projects and taking any decisions required.

All persons involved in the management, monitoring and assessment of projects will be bound by the strictest duties of confidentiality and prevention of conflict of interest.

Under no circumstances will I-CERCA acquire ownership rights in the intellectual property resulting from the submitted projects.

What are the assessment criteria?

For this funding round they are:

– Disruptive scientific potential (35%)

– Timeliness and uniqueness of the project (15%)

– Financial viability (40%)

– Appropriate timeline for implementation (10%)

Regardless of whether the proposal is ranked above or below the cut-off point, a summary of the assessors comments and the scores awarded will be issued for all projects, together with notes and recommendations. The names and affiliations of the assessors will not be released under any circumstances, and no additional explanations may be requested.

Not all the projects submitted will receive funding. Only those that score higher than the cut-off point set by the assessors. If not enough funds are available, the highest scoring projects will be funded first, working down the list in strict order.

The Assessment Committee’s members are recognised professionals with experience of knowledge transfer, covering as many fields as possible. The mechanism established is that of peer review by three members, plus, at I-CERCA’s discretion, a fourth member in the event of diverging scores or commentaries. There will be no consensus meeting. Under no circumstances will their names be published.

The assessors will sign a document declaring they have no conflicts of interest, neither ex-ante (2 years) or ex-post (5 years) in their roles as assessors, and will observe the strictest code of confidentiality.

Expected returns

Returns formula should be determined and included with each proposal. The formula may be freely selected and may include royalties, a fixed fee, mixed systems, etc. Other aspects which may be considered include early repayment, risk and venture funding, etc.

For guidance, it is expected that the funding awarded plus at least 50% will be recovered over an average of three years and a maximum of five years.

Although the maximum expected period of repayment will be five years, this maximum period is not obligatory and may be adapted according to the nature of each project. As the expected returns will be the Patent Fund’s main source of refinancing, the shorter the period the better, without ruling out higher returns on longer-term investments.

The proposal should address the possibility of failure or other contingencies. This is an aspect which the assessors and, in general, the Patent Fund, will view positively. A commitment to partially repay the funds if the project does not achieve its aims within a certain time is as useful as a high return over the long term but with higher risks. It is recommended that at least some consideration is given to the possibility of failure and other contingencies and appropriate proposals made.

Project follow-up

Every active project will be followed up individually every year in June. The project managers must prepare two documents:

  1. a) A certificate of allocated expenses issued by centre management, with a short report detailing the expenses, any co-funding, other expenses, etc., and the balance to be contributed by the fund and the execution thereof.
  2. b) Project follow-up document: Breakdown of planned/performed actions, any changes or proposed changes, and contingencies. The returns mechanism, including amounts, payment dates, etc., may be changed. Any such changes must be explained in sufficient detail.

The meeting will be executive: The documents must be delivered at least one week prior to the supervisory meeting. Any changes will be discussed and negotiated at this meeting and, if both parties accept them, the parties will sign a follow-up protocol. The individual agreement will be governed by these new terms from that date until the next follow-up meeting.

The I-CERCA Institute will perform the follow-up with the project’s technical manager.

The proposed returns can be changed. This can be requested at the annual follow-up meeting or, if a substantial change occurs to the project, or the agreement has to be cancelled or the funds repaid early, the Centre may make a request at any time. This mechanism should only be used in exceptional circumstances and when it is necessary to repay the funding in full (due to the receipt of an upfront payment, the creation of a spin-off, to eliminate a financial liability prior to the entry of an investor, etc.).

To start paying returns depends on the TRL of each project. Projects with a low TRL should start paying returns in 5 to 7 years. Projects with a TRL higher than 6 should start paying returns in 2 to 3 years.

We are aware that there is an element of risk involved in managing and commercialising intellectual property. The annual follow-up meetings will allow us to detect if it is not possible to repay the funds and take joint action. The ‘extra’ high returns expected from these projects should offset these cases.